Chemical Etching
No tooling fees - Rapid prototyping - Mass Production

no burrs. no problem
Is Etching possible solution for you? Let's take a look.
If you think etching may be a solution for you, we recommend you contact an engineer for an expert evaluation.
Etching or PCM (Photo Chemical Machining) is as subtractive machining process that offers rapid production of parts made from very thin metal sheet. Etching has a relatively painless start up process on new designs and typically there is not a large up front tooling investment. PCM is capable of producing momplicated, precision parts with completley burr free edges and adds no stress to the material. The metal ecthing process is easly scalable from the prototype stage all the way to mass production. A broad range of metals are availabe with photo chemical etching and prototype times can often be measured in days not weeks. Etching is widely used throughout industry and is a wonder option to have available.
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